Health, Water and Sanitation

Mainstream the Sustainable Development Agenda of of quality Health care for all in both urban and rural areas.

Organizational Development

The focus of HEDECS in the health sector is to mainstream the Sustainable Development Agenda of quality Health care for all in both urban and rural areas. Since its inception, HEDECS earmarked activities such as Research, Education, advocacy, and community-based services as the main drive of our success. The organization’s activities have stretched into the deepest hearts of the rural areas in Cameroon, whose welfare and interest are left in the hands of faith, and most of which are now benefiting from the intervention of HEDECS and its Partners in Development.

  • Research
    • Contribute to research for the improvement of AIDS and Hepatitis detection kits.
    • Community-based research on nutrition, maternity health, and reproductive health.
    • Research focusing on cultural, social, and traditional influences and effects on health and community development.
  • Education
    • Sexual and reproductive seminars to communities, youths, and destitute women on, AIDS and Malaria awareness campaigns and informational sessions.
    • Training of health care workers, ANC nurses, and other clinical staff on changes in health recommendations
  • Services
    • Free HIV Screening, condom distribution, and counseling services for HIV-positive community members.
    • Distribution of mosquito nets to urban and rural areas.
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